6. Adam Lallana
One of the countless reasons why ESPN sucks: Alejandro Moreno, a pundit who they forced into commentary box for Liverpool’s friendly against Roma, confirmed that he mustn’t have watched Liverpool even one time since Klopp took over when he spewed verbal trash out of his mouth about Lallana, saying that the Englishman needed to press better and do better defensive work this season.
I was incredulous. Too many thoughts were pushing to the front of my mind that they were all ineffable as they got bunched and couldn’t be transcribed from thoughts to sentences. Seriously, if he watched just one game he’d know. Hell, if he read one set of quotes by Klopp on Lallana he’d know! Klopp literally called him his ‘hunter’ and that he was the man who led and ignited the press.
But, nah, because you didn’t do your homework before calling a Liverpool game, you can try to lean on generalizations about his position, size and technical ability that he surely can’t be someone who is diligent in defending. Makes you wonder about everything else he said during the game.
I stopped listening at that point.
Next: 5. Sadio Mane