5 matches that defined Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool Reign

  • You cannot help but reminisce when there is a change in progress.
  • We take a trip down memory lane of Klopp’s tenure at Anfield.   
  • Ranking Klopp’s most impactful matches outside of Finals.
Jurgen Klopp says Goodbye to Anfield
Jurgen Klopp says Goodbye to Anfield / James Baylis - AMA/GettyImages
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When you look back at Jurgen Klopp's tenure in charge of Liverpool, there are so many memorable moments and matches. In this article, I grouped 5 of the most important outside of the Cup Finals.

Let's jump right in.

Tottenham Hotspurs – (A) – 17/10/15 – 0-0

This was Jurgen Klopp’s first game after taking over from Brendan Rodgers a couple of days earlier. The scoreline does not reflect the nature of the game.

The game gave the fans a real indication of what to expect from a Klopp team. From the kick-off the Liverpool players were out of traps and implementing Klopp’s gegenpressing style of play.

We saw players like James Milner and Adam Lallana taking the initiative and putting into practice Klopp’s ideology. The lasting memory of this game would be of Adam Lallana falling into the arms of Jurgen Klopp when he came off as a substitute in the 81st minute.

Norwich City – (A) – 23/01/17 – 4-5

Liverpool were starting to creep up the table at this point of the season. However they were some way off the top 4 places.

Klopp had started to get his feet under the desk. The game at Carrow Road showed how far Liverpool had come but also at the same time showed how far Liverpool had to go.

While some players were starting to show what they are really capable of others were still rough round the edges and that impacted the team as a whole.

From the fans perspective they were well and hugely entertained with this Heavy Metal Football. So many highs and lows in one game in such short space of time was certainly a rollercoaster ride.

Adam Lallana involved again in that lasting image of the game as he runs to Jurgen Klopp to celebrate and as a result breaks Jurgen’s glasses. The doom and gloom of the previous regime was but a distant memory by now.