Ranking the 5 best Liverpool players 25 years old and under

Liverpool have a plethora of talent that haven't even hit their peak yet.
Liverpool FC v Manchester City - Premier League
Liverpool FC v Manchester City - Premier League / Alex Livesey - Danehouse/GettyImages
5 of 5

1. Trent Alexander-Arnold - 25 years-old - RB/CDM

There is no player with more gifts on the ball on this list than Trent. He is a game-changer whenever he picks a pass or decides to shoot.

It's not normal for a right-back to influence a side's attack as much as Alexander-Arnold has in his time with Liverpool. Now, he has begun being used in a hybrid role floating centrally, or as he is for England, starting at a holding midfield spot altogether.

His defensive qualities have been much maligned, but to an extent, they are rather overblown. He's an adequate defender that can get the job done when called upon.

Trent Alexander-Arnold
Aston Villa v Liverpool FC - Premier League / Copa/GettyImages

However, that is not what separates him from everyone else. He is the best crosser the Reds have had quite possilby ever. His football IQ is out of this world and he can read what the defense is doing before they actually do it.

One swing of his right foot and he can have the opposition scrambling, that is a rare gift.

Just now entering his prime, Alexander-Arnold is one of the best players in the world, regardless of age.
